CAN #3 is a magazine edited by the Canarian Design Association di-Ca. Apart from the online version, a short print-run is normally produced digitally by Daute and the magazine is distributed amongst their members. The idea for this cover came from the desire to combine digital and analog technology to make a series of unique prints by overprinting the numbers in a variety of styles of antique woodtype from the collection of 'Tipos en su tinta'. EDition: di-Ca | Asociación de Profesionales y Empresas de Diseño de Canarias Design: Lars Petter Amundsen and Víctor Méndez-Herrera corrections: Lavadora de textos TRAnslation: Alejandra Acosta Mota digital printing: Daute letterpress: Tipos en su tinta photography: María Laura Benavente and Víctor Méndez-Herrera